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Cloud and indoor positioning- A recipe in the making

Cloud computing is reshaping the IT and Telecommunications landscape, and the way we think of provisioning. On the other hand indoor-positioning with its technology agility and innovative prospects for location based services, will enable new forms of developer productivity. The question is how far mobile location can benefit from cloud computing?

Telco clouds are now on the move, and many telecom companies are building infrastructures around cloud computing e.g. SAIL (Scalable and Adaptive Internet soLutions) project to enable networks of the future. The other noteworthy dimension is M2M and cloud computing. Cloud computing is core value proposition for smart phones, and thereby for M2M. The connection has already being made and analysed by companies like Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks (M2M Cloud Platform-Cumulocity).

The second aspect is that developers now love to work in the cloud especially in a multi-cloud environments. The reasons for that are ease of provisioning, resource utilisation, and scalability in the cloud. Developers like to work with APIs creating new applications and services that don’t die with load fluctuations on the network.

The new mix
Right now location-based-services companies are utilising cloud largely for storage. Apart from storage what computational and platform benefits LBS can gain from? One such approach must be provisioning of a service platform where developers can plugin their code through location-based enablements provided by companies like Qubulus using there industry leading Qubulus Positioning System. In this space new APIs targeting at developer productivity will enable a plathora of indoor positioning services. So the new mix is location-based cloud-enabled developer platform.
Now think of combining indoor positioning, M2M, cloud computing, developer agility, and unified service provisioning. Then the customer will be served best.

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